Our Story

2021, I made the decision to start my own business. Every Thursday morning before work, I would meet a close friend at a local coffee shop. During those visits, I often joked about launching a mobile coffee shop of my own. One day I looked at her and said “ I think I should tell my husband and see what he says.” After a long conversation with my husband, we drew up a plan of what I was wanting and my goals for the business.

After countless hours of brain storming the name 'Black Sheep' came to me. Throughout my life, I had always felt a bit different from the people I surrounded myself with, and this name seemed remarkably fitting. Its appropriateness became even more apparent after I discovered I had food sensitivities that had been destroying my body and over all health. I aspired to create a coffee mobile where no one needed to worry over common sensitivities and the repercussions of ingesting them. In our mobile shop, we exclusively serve dairy and gluten-free syrups.